If You Only Knew

2 min readAug 29, 2023
Photo by Dima Pechurin on Unsplash

In the caverns of my soul, the truth is bound,
A story untold mostly not profound.
It sleeps like a secret, a realm unknown,
Where a throne of truth, lies overthrown.

In this kingdom where I rest my sword and shield,
The hidden narratives are carefully concealed.
Beneath the armor, beneath the façade,
I hide the truth deep buried in a clod.

But my secrets they whisper, they yearn, they howl
Like caged winds against my chest, they prowl.

Each secret is a puzzle of my life,
A jigsaw of emotions, struggles, and strife,
In the labyrinth of my being, do they reside,
Shrouded in darkness were the ugly truth hides.

With fangs like a snake, it slithers in the walls,
Waiting for the time that darkness falls.
It pierces my flesh in every silent second,
The silent dance of secrets silently beckoned.

I dread the day that my fortress cracks,
A journey of Truth, no turning back.
For as the shadows part and the truth takes hold,
It reveals a landscape of tales untold.




I’m not really sure why I write, I always hated it in school and now I use it to convey what I don’t feel like I can say out-loud, enjoy.